The Aga Khan School, Dhaka

The Aga Khan School, Dhaka Joins the Global Climate Strike – students tell the story

26 September 2019

On the 25th of September, 2019, students of the Aga Khan School Dhaka stood in solidarity with the entire world as they observed the Global Climate Strike to protest for climate justice.

The Aga Khan School, Dhaka Joins the Global Climate Strike – students tell the story The Aga Khan School, Dhaka Joins the Global Climate Strike – students tell the story
Pupils from grade 4 to 12 took part in this rally, holding up posters and chanting slogans in unison.

The day commenced with the regular assembly at 8 am. Following the regular schedule, student representatives from junior, middle and high school delivered empowering speeches regarding the current climate situation and their demands for action. Afterwards the students, led by teachers and the student council, lined up in neat rows and took to the streets. The route started from the AKS Senior building, followed along the Junior Building and the Uttara sector 4 park, finally coming back again to their initial destination. Throughout the rally, the students chanted “What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now!”
This movement was organized by the Aga Khan School climate change committee in collaboration with the renowned international NGO ActionAid. The leadership team was ever-present to support the students with all the processes. 

The global climate strike was inspired by a 16 year old Greta Thunberg who had to sacrifice school every Friday to sit in front of the Swedish parliament and demand global justice. She travelled to New York in 15 days using a zero carbon yacht to attend the UN meeting demanding action against climate change. To support her cause, students all over the world and across English medium schools in Dhaka observed the aforementioned Global Climate Strike.

While the rally was an astounding success, this should not be where our efforts stop. We hope the students will be inspired by Greta and will make changes in their own lives and the lives around them since every small step makes a big difference towards a better future.

Samin Sabah Islam and Abiaz Hossain, students from Aga Khan School, Dhaka