The Aga Khan High School, Mombasa


Admission is open to deserving students regardless of race, religion and culture.

The school works to ensure that students develop positive attitudes, are self-disciplined, hard-working and confident, that they are responsible citizens of their country and the world, and that they are prepared to fit into society. Students' well-being is monitored by a committee of teachers trained in guidance and counselling.

Admission Procedures

The Aga Khan High School, Mombasa releases application forms for admission to feeder primary schools. Interested applicants apply and join Form 1-3, while Grade 7 students can apply and will be considered as prospective students.

Prospective students are interviewed and must write tests in January for the following subjects:

  • KCSE: English, Mathematics and Kiswahili

The school sets a benchmark (KCPE results) for admission criteria. The school reviews KCPE input/output during the KCSE analysis and identifies valuable feeder schools.

Rules for Admission

Students at the Aga Khan High School, Mombasa are admitted on merit. They are expected to demonstrate good performance throughout their stay in the school. The academic benchmark for advancement to the next class is an overall mean of "C-" for KCSE.

If a student exhibits low academic performance during a particular term, they will be put on probation and monitored.

The student on probation must show steady progress and performance, to progress to the next class.